To Have and To Be
What if we replace
some common statements with others? For instance: try to use TO BE instead of
TO HAVE and be aware of the consequences and the shift in perspective.
I often hear such statements like: you have the life within you, life is a gift from God, and so it’s a sin to commit suicide. Also, life can be lost, life can be redeemed etc. I think this is all wrong. We don’t HAVE anything at all. Who is this “I” that possesses a consciousness, a soul, a life? Is there any life apart from you?
This is total nonsense and the nonsense is due to the ambiguity of empirical language employed in spiritual contexts.
I must admit that, as long as we use language, an accurate rendition of a different order of reality, transcending all categories of thought, can be, in a best case scenario, just a metaphoric pointer to that higher reality. However, I decided to take the chance and share this change in perspective, because I always say and feel that:
I am the soul instead of I have a soul
I am consciousness i.o. I have consciousness
I am life i.o. of I have a life
I am love i.o. I have love
I am peace i.o. I have peace
I am compassion i.o. I have compassion
I am the way i.o. I have/I pursue a way
And you can go on with this kind of exercise, which I personally experienced as being both creative and enjoyable. So, I’m just giving some examples below, which replace characteristics or attributes with an assertion of oneness with the totality of existence.
I am the beginning and the end and the essence that pervades the beginning and the end, the life that makes possible both birth and death.
I am the light and the darkness and the energy that sustain all light and all darkness.
I am the dancer and the dance itself.
Therefore, I feel that we have/we possess nothing whatsoever, absolutely nothing, but on the contrary, WE ARE EVERYTHING.
If we assume this shift in perspective, things won’t change, but we will.
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