01 January 2015

A Way of Bringing About Change in the World

“Be the change that you want to see in the world” (M.Gandhi) 
While I obviously continue to read and write, I slowly come to a very important conclusion: my spiritual foundation is located on the battlefield of everyday mundane activities.
Therein lies all philosophy, all I can call spirituality and religion or, at least, I can say that only there they are put to the test. Without these tests, „spirituality” will get trapped in the realm of beautiful thoughts and declarations of intent, like in a desert decorated with artificial flowers.

Theoretical science without this kind of attempts inevitably leads to sterilization. When getting in touch, on a daily basis, with people always in a hurry, always nervous and sometimes malicious, becoming able to see them as embodiments, as specific instantiations of the Divine – this, indeed, means to have a life dedicated to the spirit.

Dealing with challenging people and life-situations in a compassionate manner is a way to transform the world, to make it better, even without making it into a purpose. Especially without turning it into a purpose.

By just accepting a world of beauty and horrors and regarding the existence as a whole, as neither bad, nor good, but „just the way it is”, without fighting, without resisting it, one can manage to, somehow, paradoxically, make it better. This is the paradox of the non-action in action. The first prerequisite of any attempt to transform the world is to not persistently and compulsively want IT to be better.
I cannot change the world; all I can do is BE the change that I want to see in the world.
Note should be made that the urge to post this kind of “food for thought” was brought about by two friends sending me their best wishes and a happy new year during the night. I received many other “best wishes” and “happy new year”-s in the meantime, but these two messages echoed like a mysterious transforming tune in my mind. I could feel, somehow, that these two friends actually ARE the change that I want TO SEE in the world.
May they continue to be what they are and may the peace be with you all.


Blogger Unknown said...

Samsara is nirvana! The insight of the Buddha applies to the mundane :-) lovely post

1/01/2015 11:13:00 AM  
Blogger Jurnal de Idei said...

Thank you Jyothi, both for your appreciation and for inspiring me.

1/01/2015 03:03:00 PM  

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